
18 articles available
Basic OR Facemask, unsterile, white

will be ordered, not in stock

Item no.: 80389
50 pieces
Item no.: 83546
1 pack
FINO Protective Shield, White

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80001
1 set
FINO Replacement Shields

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80005
3 pieces
FINOCARE Hygiene Masks

available, in stock

Item no.: 80114
50 pieces
Item no.: 80114P
1 piece
FINOCARE Surgical Masks

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80343
50 pieces
Hygostar Facemask, three-ply

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80141
50 pieces
Hygostar Facemask, two-ply

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80136
100 pieces
Miramask Facemask, unsterile, FFP2

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80219
5 pieces
Moldex Air Plus Fine Dust Masks

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80109
5 pieces
Item no.: 80110
20 pieces
Monoart Protection 3 facemask, light blue

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 81012
50 pieces
Monoart Protection 3 facemask, mint-green

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 81014
50 pieces
Monoart Protection 3 facemask, yellow

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 81013
50 pieces
Non-Medical Masks, fabric

available, in stock

Item no.: 80415
5 pieces
Respirator masks, Protection Class FFP2 NR, white

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80420
10 pieces
Respirator masks, with exhalation valve, FFP2 NR

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: 80177
10 pieces