Design, colour and identification in highest quality
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Advantages of COLORITĀ®
Easy and efficient processing
Liquid COLORITĀ® stains can be applied in thin layers, each approx. 0.2 mm thick, using application tools or a dosing system to the desired surfaces and then be cured with blue light.
A variety of colours and effects
The range of standard colours alone is extremely diversified. Glitter, transparent, precious metal, pearl and black light effects can be achieved by adding or layering effect stains.
Cured COLORITĀ® exhibits a certain hardness, which allows the material to be processed mechanically to give the surface a shine by grinding and polishing.
Due to the material properties, the colours are preserved permanently. They do not fade and the material withstands everyday wear and tear.
Non-toxic + 100% biocompatible
Due to its composition and similarity to medical polymer ceramics, COLORITĀ® is a 100% biocompatible material which is regularly tested for toxicity and biocompatibility.
Resistance to galvanic baths
Parts coated with COLORITĀ® can be ultrasonically cleaned, electrolytically degreased and electroplated.