Saw Frame, Frame Depth 60 mm

Picture may vary from actual product.
Item number G30023
1 piece

will be ordered, not in stock

With lengthwise adjustment of steel bow and black varnished wooden handle. Bow length variably adjustable from 100 to 160 mm.
frame depth 60 mm


Emery Paper, Grit 240

available, in stock

Item no.: G31798
1 m
TC Twist Drills, Fig. 4205S, ø 0.8 mm

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: G377008
2 pieces
TC Twist Drill, Fig. 4205S, ø 1.0 mm

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: G377010
2 pieces
Hoop Earring, 925Ag, ø 20 mm

available, in stock

partially in stock

Item no.: G91241
1 piece