Pipe, Round, 750G, ø 5 mm, Length 5 cm

Picture may vary from actual product.
Item number G82036
1 piece

will be ordered, not in stock

Goldlegierung. Hergestellt im Vakuum-Druckgussverfahren.
Rund, fugenlos gezogen.
Außen-ø 5,0 mm
Innen-ø 4,0 mm
Wandung 0,5 mm
Länge 5 cm
750 G
Alloy: 18K Yellow | 750 G

Last seen products

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will be ordered, not in stock

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1 piece
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1 pair
Case Opener incl. Case Holder

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Item no.: G50206
1 piece
Item no.: G91707
1 piece
Crimps Crimp Balls, 925Ag Gold-Plated, ø 2.5/1.2 mm

available, in stock

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100 pieces